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Executive Board Positions & Descriptions

The BECOP is governed by an Executive Board of elected officials. The positions and responsibilities are:

    • Chair: Responsible for running Executive Board meetings for first six months of tenure, setting regular 1:1 meetings with Vice-chair, and responsible for reviewing agenda and minutes.

    • Vice Chair: Will assist and provide support to the Chair in all aspects to include Board and individual Officer meetings, conducting annual Board elections and performing other Board administrative duties. Attend monthly board meetings to collaborate and support all positions to ensure goals, events and roles are successful. Will serve their 1st year as Vice Chair, then 2nd year as Chair, and 3rd year as Ex-Officio. Full Description

    • Treasurer: Provide support for and attend monthly board meetings, secure sponsorship from the Office of Strategic Initiatives (OSI), and manage the budget. 

    • Engagement Officer, Communications: Responsible for designing and publishing our monthly membership newsletter to promote a culture of continuous improvement through events, social opportunities and available training. Maintaining membership records and tracking analytics for reporting. Works in partnership and supports the Engagement Officer, Marketing & Media position with the opportunity to learn Content Management System (CMS) the campus web management tool, MyEmma publishing , and YouTube account management. Full Description

    • Engagement Officer, Marketing & Media: Responsible for the BECOP website and social media branding and messaging to promote a culture of continuous improvement through events, social opportunities and available training. Maintaining membership records and tracking analytics for reporting. Works in partnership and supports the Engagement Officer, Communications position with the opportunity to learn Content Management System (CMS) the campus web management tool, MyEmma publishing , and YouTube account management. Full Description
    • Events Officers (2): Each Events Officer is responsible for identifying relevant and engaging topics, finding and soliciting subject matter experts/presenters, confirming and managing the events from start to finish. Attend monthly board meetings to collaborate and support each other to ensure goals are met and events are successful. Full Description

    • Division of Extended Studies Officer: Coordinate tabling for events and attend monthly board meetings.

    • Health Officer: Responsible for establishing and/or maintaining mutually beneficial relationships between BECOP and BECOP-minded VC Health Sciences units or groups. Provide open two-way communications, craft messaging and represent the needs and interests of Health to our Engagement and Events Officers. Attend monthly board meetings. Work in partnership and support each other to ensure goals are met and events are successful. Full Description

    • Ex-Officio: The outgoing chair will advise the Chair and conduct fundraising for BECOP. Optional attendee of monthly board meetings. 

Executive Board Election & Term

Open Executive Board positions are announced in the fall of each year and nominations are accepted from all BECOP membership. The Vice Chair (to Chair) position is open to current officers, or by exception vote of current board. The Executive Board votes on all open positions during end of year board meetings and announces shortly after. Each Officer's term commences with the calendar year and is planned for a two-year appointment.